How Joy Impacts Your Health and 5 Ways to Add More of It Into Your Life

Do you put as much energy and focus on experiencing joy in your life as you do with your other priorities or obligations?

One pattern Ive noticed with our coaching clients or members of The Method Membership is that joy is rarely treated with the same level of planning and prioritization the way all of the other to-do items are.

Yet, our levels of happiness contribute so much to our health on all levels physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Scientific evidence suggests that positive emotions can help make life longer and healthier.

There are countless studies showing how people who reported higher levels of happiness and general positive well being ate more fruits and vegetables, slept deeper and exercised more often, had strong support systems, along with dozens of other benefits.

Plus, we obviously want to simply feel happy or at ease, peace, and joy, even if that was the only benefit, right?

Heres how you can easily find ways to schedule more joy into your life and make it a priority.

Download my free guide for creating healthy habits with ease that helps you find exactly what habits you need in your life and how to maintain them!

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About Nutrition Stripped
Health Is A Daily Practice. Founded by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist McKel (Hill) Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN with love. Visit for hundreds of recipes, science-backed health articles, online education programs, Method Membership, and ways to feel better each day.
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