with Orange Juice &
Watermelon Fruit Juice

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 Seedless Watermelon (personal sized) Leave the peel ON, if organic!
2 Oranges
1 Pomegranate (seeds from)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) To seed the pomegranate, first score it with a knife & break it open. Next, separate the seeds (which are really seed casings called "arils") from the peel & pulp membranes. Hint: if you do this in a bowl of water, then the seeds will sink, while the pulp will float!

2) Slice the watermelon into large chunks that will still be able to fit through your juicer (leaving the peel ON if organic!), and slice the peel off of the oranges, but do leave a good amount of pith behind as there are a lot of nutrients in it.

3) Then, simply run all 3 of these ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you.

4) Add ice if desired, and enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
Krista & I are dedicating this video to crosspecans, aka Susan in Texas! She needed help in explaining to her husband exactly WHY juicing is so important & as this is a good topic for ALL of us, then what could be better than making another vid? ;)

As we just made a fruit juice, let's start w/ those benefits: First, kids AND adults are going to love at least 1 kind of fruit juice! Fruit juices energize our cells & flush cellular wastes away, loosening our lymphatic system, while energizing our nervous system & brain, whose preferred fuel by the way just happens to be simple sugars like those found in fruit! ;)

Then, there are the green juices: they have the alkalinity & neutralization powers to ease all the acidic conditions in our guts & throughout our bodies. Remember: Acidosis = Disease, but Alkalinity = Health!

When we want weight loss & health, the beauty of juicing allows us to easily absorb more nutrients & minerals w/ less energy output. When we have fiber in our food& YES, this is still the normal way for us to continue to eat!it takes more systemic energy to continue peristalsis almost 24/7. So if you're in a situation where you need to 'undo' excess weight gain &/or allow your body to rid itself of various diseases / ailments brought on by years of unhealthy habits, it's been shown time & time again how effective juicing is in giving one's body an added boost of straight-up infusion of nutrients that it needs, as well as lots of living water to help break up accumulations throughout the body, all while FREEING UP ENERGY THAT IT WOULD'VE PUT TOWARDS DIGESTION, BUT NOW GOES TOWARDS CLEANSING & DETOXING ONE'S CELLS & TISSUES, & TO ELIMINATING ANY EXCESS WEIGHT &/OR DEAD & DISEASED CELLS + TOWARDS ENERGIZING THE BRAIN & TO HEALING ONE'S ORGANS & GLANDS. People don't realize HOW much energy it takes 4 our bodies to digest food! Roughly 1/3 of the calories we take in as food are used to digest that very same food! I know, some may think that's great (wow! I'm burning calories!), but ACTUALLY if given a chance the body really wants to use extra energy towards detox... ESPECIALLY if one is carrying around vast amts of excess weight, which is actually TOXINS that the body hasn't been able to eliminate.

Eating whole foods and chewing is still important! But remember, juicing is a modality of HEALING & of a way to more quickly & effectively regain one's health!

Juicing allows us to lose weight, heal disease, energize ourselves before & after workouts, & it is a fun & delicious way to consume more fruits & veggies! I don't know anyone who can really sit down & eat a whole head of celery! But I sure can juice all that up & so get ALL of that nutrition, minerals & alkalinity infused straight into my cells that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Also, if I were to chew all of that celery (not to mention the other ingredients in my juice), it would take hours! Again, not to dis the benefits of fiber & chewing, but if one needs to really HEAL themselves then in the humble opinion of many, juicing is VITAL.

So again, this video was made in honor of crosspecans. Krista & I both care about you, Susan! Juicing has saved many, many lives & has shed many, many thousands of pounds for people. Both Krista & I would really love to see Susan get on with the WHOLE program of true healing, using juices, smoothies, whole fruits & salads as her core diet, along with moderate amounts of nuts & seeds, esp. throughout the winter. It's vital to use whatever it takes to have a good time getting healthy, and juicing is a big part of that!

Never give up; drink your juice! Peace be with you all!

Love, Dan & Krista

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