How to Make CHINESE CHILI OIL --- Asian Chili Oil Recipe

So the basic thing here is absurdly easy: Heat oil up, and dump it into a can of chili flakes (and possibly sesame seeds)....

HOWEVER, it gets a little more complicated than that, because you might want your chili oil to taste like something besides just chilis. Recipes for this one vary by household, but other recipes I saw in other recipes (and used in this video) are....

Sichuan peppercorn - this is really a must to get the right flavor
Sliced ginger
Bay leaf
Star anise
Clementine peel

Prepare the oil by heating it until the ginger will just barely sizzle when added to it. Add all the ingredients and heat over low for about five minutes. Strain the oil and THEN pour it over room-temperature chili flakes. Chili flakes are available at Asian grocers, but what I used here are Aleppo (or Syrian) peppers.

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