Egusi Soup - Today I'm going tobe showing you how to make Egusi soupsince I made my last egg this would be alot of you have been asking me to makeanother one and today I'm going to showyou another method on how to make a cozysoup so let's get started the firstthing I'm going to be doing is to blendtogether my onions and peppers and todayI'm using habanero pepper Fresno pepperand the red bell pepper now I'm going toadd some water to this pepper and I'mgoing to blend it until it becomes verysmooth and I'm going to be leaving thelist of peppers I used in thedescription box below however if youdon't want to use my own combination ofPepin's feel free to use your owncombination it's all well and goodso my pepper is well blended and it'svery smooth I'll just pour it out of myblender and I'll be setting it aside nowto blame the Aqua succeeds I'm going tobe adding some onionsthe Agusan seed itself some crayfishand a little bit of water then I'm goingto be blending it together until itbecomes a very smooth paste feel free toadd more water to the agusi during theblending process if you feel you areoverworking your blender however try asmuch as you can not to add excess waterbecause you don't want the Agusta tobecome so watery the egusi is now wellblended and I'll just be setting itaside as well for the next step I'mgoing to be preheating a little bit ofpalm oil in a pan if you've beenfollowing my cooking you are going tonotice that I really don't likeoverheating my palm oil once my oil ismelted and in little bits hot I'll justadd the onions then I'll also bedividing my low cost bin into two andI'll be adding half of it firstat this stage and I'm doing this so thatthe flavor of the low cost pin can bereleased inside the oil now fry theonions and the low cost Benfor a couple of minutes until the onionsbecome translucent if not time to addthe blended peppersso I'll just cover this and I'll leaveits to cook and it's very important tocheck on this too every now and then tosteer it and to make sure that it's notburning now this sauce has been cookingfor about 15 minutes now it's now timeto add some more ingredients to this I'mgoing to be adding some stock and todayI'm using beef stock feel free to usechicken stock or any stock you have athand I'll also be adding the remaininglow cost bean and salt to taste so I'mgoing to be covering this and I willleave it to cook for about 3 minutes sothat all the ingredients I just addedwill have time to mingle together okit's now time to add our egusi paste soI'm going to carefully add the egusiinside my sauce and this is because Iwant the appearance of the Agusta tolook really good once it's done if youadd your egg we see carelessly insidethe sauce you might not like the resultsin appearance once it's done you canalso rinse the blender inside the sauceif you want to I'm not going to bemixing this at this point and I'll leaveit to cook for about 10 to 15 minutesafter that I'll come back to check on itso the algis has been cooking for 15minutes on a medium heat and I willcheck it at this pointcase is looking so beautiful so I'mgoing to be mixing it and as I'm mixingit again I'm not going to be mixing itcarelessly just for the appearance youknow so I'm loving this right now andthe next thing I'm going to do is to addmy protein and today I'm going to beusing some dry fish I'm using a littlebits of cow it's a little bits of goodmeattwo bits of beef and a little bits oftripe feel free to use your combinationor meats of fish it's all well and goodcover this once again and leave it tocook so that all this protein can minglewith the Agassi so this has been cookingfor about five minutes and at this pointI'm going to be adding the spinach I'mjust using the regular spinach todayfeel free to use any type of vegetablesyou want like bitter leave what I leaveGugu or you know all those good leavesyou can use any one of them so I'm doneadding my spinach and as you can see theface of the Agassi is looking reallybeautiful so I'll just leave these tosimmer for about three to five minutesand that is pretty much it this is how Imake my delicious and juicy soup as youcan see it's really looking good and Itell you it's taste just as good sothank you all for spending your timewith me today if you like this recipedon't forget to leave a thumbs up for meif there's any other tips or secretsyou've learned over the years on how tomake a very good Agassi soup feel freeto share with me in the comment sectiondown belowI appreciate it so much and if you trythis recipe as well I'll be very happyto hear your feedback also next timeenjoy !-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Latest Video: "Super Crispy Baked Potato Wedges"