HOW TO MAKE GOZLEME FROM SCRATCH - Turkish Stuffed Flatbread

Turkish food, Turkish food recipes, Turkish food channel,
Turkish food at home

Music: Koycegiz Yollar- Mugla Folk Song
Arranged and performed by: Elvan A. ULUCINAR

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HOW TO MAKE GOZLEME - Turkish Stuffed Flatbread

SARSALA Bay is definitely a hidden gem, 16 km. from Dalaman and is surrounded by wooded hillsides. The very first road to SARSALA was built by Abbas Pasha (then Khedive of Egypt) who had also decided to build a hunting lodge in the region. He had ordered the plans and the material for his residence here, at the same as the plans and the material for a railway station to Alexandria in Egypt. However the two shipments were misdirected, the materials for his residence heading towards Egypt, and those for the railway station ending up in Dalaman. The station in Dalaman was built anyway and it still exists today. But with no connection rails and serves as the headquarters of the state farm.

SARSALA Beach isa perfect spot for families. Sand, water and kids... A natural combination for easy family fun.

It has a small pier for yachts to tie and a restaurant where they serve tasty breakfast, lunch, made-from-scratch GOZLEMES and more. The restaurant offers a menu using fresh local ingredients from the village.

Gozleme is a traditional Turkish Flatbread filled with various toppings, sealed and cooked over a Sac, a traditional Turkish griddle.

They use a long wood paddle (dndrge) to flip the Gozleme, and a Sac, traditional Turkish griddle to cook.

For the cheese filling they use:
Cokelek cheese (Turkish ricotta made of Buttermilk),
Chopped parsley, and spices such as salt, papper... dried mint flakes, cumin if desired.

For the potato filling: Grated raw potatoes, chopped parsley, mint, salt and blackpepper.

The dough should be very soft and close to being slightly sticky.

And here is my version of Gozleme dough:

Ingredients (for 2 Gozlemes)

1 cup flour
A good pinch of salt
1/2 cup water at room temp

Combine flour and salt in a bowl and mix.
Gradually add water, while mixing.
Gently knead until the flour comes together to form a soft ball.
Make sure to scrape the sides of the bowl, using the dough.
Start kneading on a clean surface.
If it's a little too sticky to handle, dust your hand with flour but do not add anymore flour to the dough if possible.
And knead for a good 10 minutes.
Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes at room temp.
After that the dough can be used, rolled and prepared Gozleme.
Mrs. Cemile, who is a Gozleme master, shows us how to prepare a Gozleme from scratch.
On a well floured surface, she rolls out a dough portion as thinly as possible, into a quite big round shape.
She adds an even but not heavy layer of filling on one side of the dough, avoiding the edges.
And folds over the other half and seals the Gozleme very well by pressing.
Finally, she places the Gozleme on the hot Sac, griddle.

It takes about 2-3 minutes to cook a Gozleme.
Make sure to keep an eye on it and check if the dough is browning in spots.
When brown spots appear flip the Gozleme and cook the other side.
Brush the cooked side with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil, and cook that side one more time.
Repeat, so that both sides are cooked once dry and once with a little oil.
These Gozlemes are best when eaten fresh off the Sac, griddle.

Special Thanks to Dear PINAR and Mrs. CEMILE
SARSALA Bay, July 2016

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