How To Make Peppered Snails.

Theres nothing better than a well seasoned peppered snails to start the week. Use a bottle of chilled Malt to down a plate of peppered snail and you will be in heaven. Snail meat is delicious, no doubt. But the real problem is cleaning off the slime completely before cooking. Cleaning it, is a headache most people would rather not go through. The slime is very thick and sticky, sort of like clear, sticky phlegm. There are several items that can be used to clean the slime off snails such as alum, Garri, salt, lemon or lime. Salt is used because of it's abrasive properties, Garri works the same way as salt. Pour lots of Garri grains on a bowl of shelled snails and rub till the slime is gone. Lemon or lime is used for its acidic properties and alum is used for it's purification properties.
For efficacy and double assurance, you may use two of the items named above.
Ingredients used: 18 Snails, 5 Habanero Peppers, 1 Red Bell Pepper, 6 Plum Tomatoes, 1 Onion, 2 Maggi Cubes, 1 Cooking Spoon Of Vegetable Oil, Half Or 1/2 Teaspoon Of Garlic Powder, Quarter or 1/4 Teaspoon Of Ginger Power, Salt ( 1 Teaspoon use to boil the snails, Half Or 1/2 Teaspoon use for the sauce while Half Or 1/2 Cup use to wash the snails) 3 Lemon, and Water. Please Dont Forget To Subscribe And Like. Thanks
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