How to Make a Smoothie - Blueberry Green Smoothie Recipe - Healthy Smoothie Recipes *
Fruit Smoothie Recipes *
Blueberry Smoothie Recipe *
Free Smoothie Recipes *
Blueberries Health Benefits *

Wild Herbal Blueberry Green Smoothie
with Young Coconut Water

* Detox, Go Low Fat or Fat Free,
Eliminate Toxicity, and more with Fruit! *

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
2 Young Coconuts (2 Coconut Waters)
1 pint of Blueberries
1 Banana
1 bunch of Kale (leaves removed from stems)
1 bunch of fresh Plantain (leaves removed from stems)
1 bunch of fresh Lamb's Quarters (leaves removed from stems)
Other fresh herbs of your choice (leaves removed from stems)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconuts to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Blend young coconut water, blueberries, banana, kale leaves, plantain leaves and lamb's quarters leaves in your Vita-Mix, or other high-powered blender of your choice.

3) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
Fast detox also includes emotional detox!

Be aware of that which is in the way...and forgive yourself,
as you are at least aware of it!

We are here on Earth for something, and it is challenging!

You will be tested every single step of the way!

Enjoy the beauty of simple things, and how powerful love is....

Love yourself and put yourself in energy fields which are loving

Believe in unconditional love and forgiveness!

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