How to Nurse a Baby in a Moby Wrap (Hands free!) While Standing Up

Instructions for how to put a baby in a Moby Wrap and how to nurse or breastfeed a baby while wearing the Moby Wrap, super discreet and modest while in public. Get more done and chase down your other kids with this tutorial for hands-free nursing from a 4-time mom!

Looking for more "how to" videos?

* How to put a newborn in the Moby Wrap:

* How to put on a Moby Wrap securely:

Also: 5 Tips for When Your Baby Doesn't Seem to Like Being Worn:

How to nurse in a ring sling:

How to wear a heavy toddler in a ring sling:

How to put a baby in the crib when he fell asleep in the Moby Wrap:

I also have some blog posts on the subject:

5 Unpopular Reasons to Jump Into Babywearing With Both Feet:

5 Solutions for Parents Who Gave Up on Babywearing Because Baby Seems to Have an Opinion:
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