How to Nurse in a Ring Sling

Breastfeeding in a ring sling is one of my favorite ways to have babies out and about. Restaurants, church, my kids' school - we go everywhere because we babywear! I've had 10 years' experience babywearing with 4 kids, and I still love it.

If you've ever said, "I just can't figure out how to nurse in a ring sling," please watch - ironically, baby doesn't nurse, but I hope you can get the idea! (Such stubborn kids I have.) ;)

For how to nurse in a Moby Wrap, go here:

Tips to get baby in and out of the ring sling:

Big kids too? Here's how to do it with a 35+ pounder:

I also have some blog posts on the subject:

5 Unpopular Reasons to Jump Into Babywearing With Both Feet:

5 Solutions for Parents Who Gave Up on Babywearing Because Baby Seems to Have an Opinion:
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