How to Pan Cook Fresh Garbanzo Beans (aka Chick Peas or Guasanas )

For the companion blog post:

We've been seeing these adorable little fresh garbanzo beans (chick peas) in the Latin and International Markets and had to get them.

Without a recipe, I decided to pan roast them quickly in my cast iron skillet with a little bit of oil, and salt them. A splash of water helps lower the heat in my pan and gives the beans a light steam.

Once they seem cooked through, I salt them and remove from the heat and toss them into a bowl. They are a great and healthy snack, right out of their pods, or shelled and tossed in with other green veggies or over pasta.

I particularly like combining the shelled green garbanzos with sauted broccoli and garlic as a side dish, over pasta, or in scrambled eggs. I hope you find these in the markets where you live!

For more info, visit:
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