How to Raise Siblings Who Love Each Other HPC: E184

It's a classic image:

Family road trip. Brothers and sisters fighting in the back seat, often so severely that the parents have to "pull over this van right now!"

To do what?

To repair relationships that are broken?

To fix something in one minute of yelling or cajoling that has taken years to develop?

Whenever I hear about siblings who truly dislike each other, who don't even give one another enough respect that an older sib couldn't possibly safely "babysit" the younger ones, my heart weeps a little.

I was thinking about our kids recently and how very MUCH they love each other. They're proud of one another. They serve one another.

It's beautiful and possibly one of the greatest gifts of parenting.

But how did it happen?

Today I'll do my best to deconstruct what we might have done right and give you some action steps to build healthy, loving sibling relationships in your own family.

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