How to Raise THRIVERS - Mentally Strong Kids With a "WE GOT THIS!" Attitude HPC: E121

Not kidding, I referenced this interview FOUR times the same week we recorded -- it's THAT pertinent to our experience in this pandemic and our jobs as parents!

I'm already planning to ask Michele back because she's such a wealth of knowledge, but today we're focusing on the MOST important quality our kids need today - resilience. Her new book THRIVERS is about 7 teachable skills the set happy, healthy, and high-performing kids apart -- and I believe those are listed in an intentional order.

If you find yourself wondering why some kids struggle and others shine, spoiler alert: It's not about GPA.

This is a must-listen! Find out:

* Why Michele has never been more worried about this current generation - even before the pandemic (and it's worse now)
* A toxic recipe for resilience that too many of us are using to raise kids
* What makes a child a "THRIVER" - having the skills and abilities to do well in the real world
* The power of observing your kids to focus on their current strengths
* How the 7 traits show up in kids (and how many your kids need to thrive)
* The 2 things all kids need to thrive and whether all kids are capable of becoming a thriver
* One question to ask yourself that will ensure you raise confident kids (this is powerful!!)
* How the kitchen and family dinners showed up in Michele's research
* How todays super-busy parents can find the time to implement these strengths with their kids
* How schools implement the 7 traits withOUT creating more drain on our overtaxed teachers (phew!)
* How to raise optimistic, hopeful kids even in the midst of a pandemic (and why that matters)

We both talk fast, folks, so buckle up for a WEALTH of valuable information that will change the way you think about your kids and the choices you make as a parent!!! The world needs this!

Resources we Mention for Raising Resilient Kids
* Michelle's book Thrivers:
* Michelle's survey to figure out your kids' strengths:
* This PDF has 10 super practical ways to start implementing this information:
* The benefits of family dinner:
* Raising successful adults:
* Letting kids fail to build resilience:
* Reducing stress in kids:
* Stress mastery breathing technique:
* Connect with Michelle online:
* Follow her on social media:,,

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Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

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