How to Start Meal Planning and Get the Whole Family Involved (with Jess Dang of Cooksmarts) HPC: E96

I joke when I talk about stress mastery that the way we feel stress is all about our mental capacity, or load.

Some days I can't even walk into the kitchen and prepare dinner because it feels like "too much" and then other days I can handle 2 kids being sick and a very important meeting and 5 deadlines beating down my door...

If meal prep and decisions have often felt like a drain on your "mental load," my guest today has just the solution!

Jess Dang, Chief Kitchen Cheerleader at Cook Smarts, joins us today to talk about how meal planning can be "invisible labor," why that's a problem, and how to get the rest of the family to see what we work so hard on.

Here's what you have to look forward to in the conversation:

* Jess's incredible story of grave illness and a decision to give back (which resulted in a risky move at age 30!)
* Why meal planning really is world-changing
* How to start a meal planning habit and stick to it (no magic pixie dust, just an acknowledgment that it IS hard work and how to keep yourself motivated)
* Why meal planning is "invisible" so often and how to celebrate it more with your whole family
* How to include your kids into the accountability part (and even the DOing part!)
* Some examples from my own life about how meal planning sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, and applying Jess's strategies LIVE to figure out how to make it work more often!
* One practical tip to implement TODAY that takes 5-10 minutes and could change your meal planning game (and mine) for good

Find Jess's awesome program at

More on Meal Planning:
* The Ultimate Meal Planning Guide:
* Finding the Meal Planning Method for You:
* Meal Planning Basics:
* Meal Planning Around a CSA Box:
* Tips for Meal Planning Breakfast:
* Back-To-School Meal Planning Tips:
* Meal Planning for Healthy Eating:

Im an affiliate for Jess's program, but that doesnt change your price!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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