How to Teach Kids to Cook - Knife Skills and Safety Lessons on Fox-2 Detroit

Kids Cook Real Food online cooking classes for kids is at it again! Learning to cook is key to being a healthy adult, and it's never too young to start. We give our kids butter knives starting at age 2 AND - the important part - teach them safe handling immediately so they don't get bad habits.

Our kids made cheeseburger soup with pickles and bacon and a quick cabbage salad without measuring for the anchors on The Nine, and the adults were a little shocked and uncomfortable with kids and sharp blades! It's all about proper training though - go to to get our 10-minute knife skills and safety class for FREE to teach your kids these key cooking skills at home. We'll do the hard work for you, and you just enjoy quality time with your kids.

Find our full video cooking class for kids, teaching 30 basic kitchen skills to ages 2-12 and beyond and suitable for all allergies and dietary restrictions:
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