How To Cook Kolambiche Bhujne (Spicy Shrimp Curry) By Archana | India Food Network

Kolambiche Bhujne is a typical Maharashtrian dish characterized by a strong garlic flavor along with a generous amount of garam masala.
When shrimps are cooked with so many masalas the aroma it leaves out can be mouth watering and the taste, well you got to make it and tell us.
So this weekend cook up a storm with some delicious sea food.

Learn to make Tisaryache Kalvan

Kolambiche Bhujne
2 cups cleaned kolambi (shrimp)
2 potatoes sliced
Coriander as per need
1 tbsp mix masala
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp hing (asafoetida)
1/2 tsp turmeric
12-15 flakes of garlic

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