How to make Eggless Mawa Cake | Easy Chirstmas Cake Recipes | Harpal Singh Sokhi | chefharpalsingh

Mawa Cake

Ingredient Quantity

Butter 100 gm.
Powder Sugar 150 gm.
Flour (Maida) 200 gm.
Baking powder 1 tsp
Baking Soda ½ tsp
Cardamom powder 1 tsp
Yogurt 100 gm.
Mawa grated 150 gm.
Milk 50 gm.
Almond slice ¼ cup

1.Take butter in a bowl and whisk till creamy.
2.Add powder sugar, mix well and whisk till light and fluffy.
3.Add yogurt and mix well.
4.Sieve Maida, baking powder, baking soda and cardamom powder in the mixture.
5.Add mawa and almond slice and mix well.
6.Add milk little at a time and mix well to make cake batter.
7.Preheat the oven at 180 c for 10 min.
8.Pour the cake batter in silicone mold and bake it for 30-35 min.
9.Once baked, let the cake cool in mold.
10. Demould the cake, cut into square and serve.

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