How to make Grilled Minty Chicken | Barbecue Chicken | from Sabrini Chutney | Chef Harpal Singh | | chefharpalsingh

Grilled Minty Chicken
Instant Grilled Minty Chicken made with Sabrini Chutney.

Ingredient Quantity
Chicken Leg on Bone 2 no.
Oil 1 tbsp
Salt and pepper to taste
Sabrini Mint Chutney 8-10 tbsp
1. Make a slit on the chicken legs as shown.
2. Heat oil in a pan, add chicken pieces and grilled from the both side for 6-8 min.
3. Add salt and pepper and cook the chicken pieces till ¾ done.
4. Add 4-5 tbsp of Sabrini mint chutney and spread it well.
5. Turn it around and put remaining Sabrini mint chutney, spread well and cook for 4-5
min. or till chicken is cook well.
6. Remove in serving plate and serve hot with salad.


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