How To Make Pavlova At Home | Indian Mom's Kitchen

A 5 Star dessert that will melt in your mouth. Let me show you how to make a Lemon-Mango Pavlova dessert at home.

4 Egg Whites
1 tbsp Lemon juice
2 tbsp hot boiling Water
1 Cup Lemon Curd
11/2 cup Mango cubes
150 gms Sugar
1 tbsp Cornflour
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1 cup Whipped Cream

Method: In a bowl, put in Egg Whites, Sugar, Lime juice, Cornflour, Vanilla Essence, and hot boiling Water & beat on high speed for 6-7 minutes or till soft peaks are formed. Line a tray with Butter paper and spread the beaten Meringue into a circle shape. Make sure that the edges of the circle are higher than the centre. Bake in preheated oven at 140 degrees C for 11/2 hours. Let the meringue cool in the oven itself.

How to make Lemon Curd:

1/2 cup Water
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Lime juice
1/2 cup Cream
21/2 tsp Cornflour
Yellow food colour
Method: Mix Water and Sugar on low flame. Combine the Lime juice, Cornflour & Yellow colour together and pour it into the Sugar water. Cook till the mixture thickens. Once thick, take off flame and stir in the Cream.

How to assemble the Pavlova: Keep the cooled Meringue on a serving plate. Top it generously with Lemon Curd. Then spread a thick layer of Whipped Cream. Finally, sprinkle cubed fresh Mangoes on top and serve chilled. Enjoy Pavlova with your loved ones and also make it your Star dessert and serve it to your guests when you invite them over to your place.
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