Soon it will be about 4 years since I started my YouTube channel Indian Mom's Kitchen. Many wanted to know as to why and how I started my channel. Many of you would like to also start a YouTube channel of your own but don't know how? Here in this video I have shared my experiences and answered all the frequently asked questions. Hope this video will definitely help you in your journey on YouTube. Wish you all the best.
Is a big investment required to start a YouTube channel?
My answer would be a Big 'NO". I started off my YouTube channel with nothing new. I used all what I had in hand. I did not have a high end camera but did all my recording using my smartphone. It is only recently that I invested in a tripod stand and a ring light. Till then I used to do all my recording in natural sunlight. My initial videos were a bit shaky as it was shot using a handheld phone camera. Now since I have a tripod the pictures are steady. Also initially I couldn't shoot at night and sometimes even during daytime especially in the monsoon season as it was cloudy outside. Now this problem is solved because I have invested in a ring light. Both the tripod and the ring light are inexpensive and can be easily bought online. These 2 gadgets are the only things that I recommend for starting your channel. If you do have a good camera, well and good. However, don't buy one initially itself because you don't know how your channel will perform. First test the waters and later on, maybe you can invest in more equipments.

Is it easy being a YouTuber?
My answer is 'Yes' and 'No'.
Yes, if you are passionate about the subject that you are making your videos. 'No', if you are just doing it because your friend or another know person has a YouTube channel. When you are passionate about the subject you tend to do a lot of research on the subject, you tend to read a lot on the subject which will give you more fresh ideas.
The most important aspect on Youtube is content. If you are not passionate you will run out of ideas to make content. You have to produce content over a long period of time. YouTube is not an instant thing where you will upload videos today and reap the benefits tomorrow. Be ready for the long haul. It is an uphill walk but definitely a rewarding one too.

My best wishes to each and everyone who is passionate about something - anything under the sun - to be a successful YouTuber!!!

#howtostartayoutubechannel #cookingchannel #youtubechannelfor beginners
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