Idiyappam with Charred Tomato Chutney South Indian Breakfast Recipe Made with @DelMonteIndiaOil

#MadeWithDelMonte #DelMonteIndia # DelMonteOliveOil #southindianbreakfast #idiyappam @DelMonteIndia
Idiyappam with Spicy Tomato Chutney
This popular breakfast dish from South of India is also very popular in Sri Lanka. The name comes from 2 Tamil words- Idi meaning beat and appam is pancake. This rice noodle preparation is also popular in Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia known as putu Mayang. Usually eaten with a stew I am making a spicy roasted tomato chutney to be served along with it. Try this recipe and if you like it then do not forget to write in the comment box.
1 cup rice flour
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1 garlic
inch ginger
1 green chilli
Salt to taste
Olive pomace oil 4 Tbs
Mustard seeds
Curry leaves
Coriander leaves
Roast the onion, tomatoes, garlic, ginger & green chilli
Dry roast 1 cup rice flour
Add 1.5 cup water & mix well
Add salt to taste and mix well
Add 2 table spoon olive pomace oil and mix well
Cover & cook for 2 to minutes till the dough is ready
Put the idiyappam dough in the mould
Put the roasted vegetables in a bowl filled with water
Take the charred skin off the vegetables
Cut the vegetables and put them in a mixer jar along with salt to taste
Add little sugar & Chopped coriander leaves
Add little water and grind to a fine paste
Steam the Idiyappam for 3 to 4 minutes
Heat up 2 table spoon olive pomace oil for tadka
Add 1 tea spoon mustard seeds when oil is hot
Add the curry leaves
Keep a few fried curry leaves aside for garnishing
Put the ground chutney into the tadka
Garnish the Idiyappam with curry leaves & serve with chutney

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