Indomie Noodles Recipe

Nigerian Indomie Noodles Recipe-

hello everyone its Lola again I welcome

you all to my kitchen

today I'm going to be showing you how to

make a very easy indomie recipe this

recipe is actually my go-to recipe

whenever I need something fast and easy

to put together for my family and it's

ready in less than 15 minutes it's that

easy once before we get cooking please

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so let's go to the kitchen right now and

gets cooking I have my water boiling

already and what I'm going to do is just

to throw in my in Domino tools and I'm

going to be boiling this for about 4 to

5 minutes I don't want the noodles to be

totally done I want it to be half done

that is why I'm boiling nice for a short

time after boiling the noodles for about

2 minutes I'm just going to use my fork

to separate the noodles so that

everything can be evenly cooked once you

are done separating the noodles just go

right back and allow it to cook for

another 3 minutes or thereabouts so the

noodles are done to my taste at this

point and I'm just going to be draining

the water and I'm going to set it aside

while I make my vegetable and shrimp

sauce so to start with I'm going to be

preheating a little bit of oil in my pan

and once the oil is hot I'm going to be

adding my diced onions I'm going to stir

fry these onions until they become a

little tender and kind of translucent at

this point I'm going to be adding the

shrimp and I'll be seasoning this with

sauce to taste chili powder paprika

pepper black pepper curry powder and the

little bit of means two habanero pepper

for that spiciness and that sweet Haru

MA now I'm going to be mixing all this

together until the shrimp is well

covered with the seasoning and I will

also be cooking the shrimp until it's

almost done I've got some red bell

peppers which have sliced into strips I

have got some green bell peppers which

I've also sliced into strips and I have

my mixed vegetables which consists of

sweet corn sweet peas green beans and

carrots so I'm going to mix all this


so that everything can be well coated

again with the seasoning so at this

point I'm going to be adding a little

bit of chicken stock and this is what I

used to bring out that intense flavor

instead of using the seasoning that

comes with the Indomie noodles so the

next thing I'm going to be adding is my

diced tomatoes and as you can see I'm

using a super ripe and juicy tomato for

this and this is because I get to taste

the juice of the tomatoes inside the

noodles which is very good so leave

these to cook for about ten minutes or

thereabouts so finally I'm going to be

adding my in Domino tools and I'll just

grab a fork and stare everything

together until it's well combined so

I'll just leave this to simmer again for

about eight minutes or chew the in

demeanor dolls is now done I'll just mix

it together once again and it's ready to

be served

so this is one of the ways I make my

easy fast and delicious in the minerals

thank you all for spending your time

with me today if you like this recipe

don't forget to leave a thumbs up for me

and I also like to hear your feedback in

the comment section down below until

next time I'll talk to you shortly



You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, I love keeping in touch with all of you

If you make this recipe, Id love to see pictures of your creations on Instagram and Facebook. #afropotluck

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