INSANE LEVEL 100 Monster Curry Challenge! RECORD SMASHED! Spiciest Curry Rice in Singapore!

For this video, I present to you my attempts at the Monster Curry Level 100 Spicy Challenge! The challenge involves completing a plate of their standard Chicken/Pork Katsu Curry Rice, except the curry is topped with a deadly-looking black concoction made from ridiculously spicy chillies. For those spice-averse, eating the first few bites might make the challenge seem doable, but the excruciating burning sensation kicks in after a minute. Completing it in under 10 minutes makes the dish free.

It was a true challenge for me due to my well-known low spice tolerance, but I grit my teeth and took it one bite (sometimes two) at a time, attempting this for a total of 6 times. Initially my time was in the 1-2 minute range, but by the end I was able to do it sub 1-min, with my final attempt being my best time at 52.13s and also the best ranked time for this challenge.

Check out the end for a bonus clip of Mervin attempting the challenge!

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