Instant Mixed Vegetable Pickle | Bhajyanche Lonche By Archana | Mixed Veg Achaar | Pickles Of India | India Food Network

If your veggies need a chatpata kick, this pickle recipe is the perfect combination for you! Made with an array of vegetables & loaded with spices and Emami Healthy and Tasty Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil, this recipe lends its crunchy and spicy character to your everyday meal.

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Chopped mixed vegetable: 1 cup
Mustard seeds: 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Lemon juice: 2
Red chilli powder: 2 tablespoons
Emami Mustard Oil: 4 tablespoons

Method of preparation
1. Cut and boil all veggies until half cooked.
2. Heat oil in a kadhai. Add mustard seeds and allow it to crackle
3. Add the half cooked veggies, chilli powder, lemon juice and salt to taste. Mix it well and let it cook
4. Put it in the jar and enjoy this delectable pickle
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