INTERNET INFLUENCER MARKETING | Digital Marketing Tutorial | Online Marketing | Vincenzo's Plate

Influencers are literally just that - people of influence. More specifically, in our digital world, influencers are talent who may have a niche following due to their excellence in a certain industry ie. Lifestyle, Food, Travel, Fashion, Celebrity, Fitness, Car Enthusiasts, Science, Politics, Animals, Money, Business, News, Sport etc... They may be considered an authority, a challenger, an opinion or a disruptor and subject to the level of trust they gave gained as they built their audience, their interaction and the engagement they have with their users, their power of influence may vary.

Influencers marketing has become an opportunity for brands who align with the mission, the purpose, the motive or the demographic these influencers have access to. As a result, they have become the modern day endorsers and brand ambassadors.

In this video, our special guest panelists:

- Suzanne Prosperi (PR, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce Specialist)

- Mireille Salloum (Conversion Expert and Co-Founder of Conversion Cafe)

- Natalie Hillar (Influencer Marketing Expert and Director/Founder of IMC Marketing Comms)

explore the new age digital influencer marketing trend and pick their brains to answer your questions around how to get your brand the exposure it deserves!

I wanted to create this video because I know how hard it is to be an influencer (financially speaking) and we need brands to understand what we can do for them and why our job should be more respected and appreciated. Our job is to entertain and share our passion with you and every single person who follows us is interested in what we do.

If more brands understand what we do and what we talk about in this video, more Influencers will be able to do this full time.

I recommend to every youtuber, instagrammer, facbeook, infuencers colleague to use this video as a tool for you to get a brand to pay you for your job.

Share this video and spread this information with the world.

#influencermarketing #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #contentmarketing


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