Kadai Bhendi/ Okra - By VahChef @ VahRehVah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Okra cooked in indain style
Kadai Bhindi (Okra) is an awesome dish. It is an amazing mix of fried bhindi with onions, chopped tomatoes, capsicum and spices cooked together.
Kadai Bhendi


1 cup bell pepper yellow and green
1 bunch coriander leaves
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp coriander seeds powder
2 tsp cumin powder
7 number curry leaves optional
3/4 tsp garama masala powder
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
4 number green chillies
as need oil
400 grams okra
1 cup onion
1 tsp red chilli powder
as per taste salt
1 cup tomato
a pinch turmuric

• Cut bhendi into small pieces and deep fry them little bit to avoide stick ness.

• Cut tomatoes and bell pepper into small cubes.
• crush coriander seeds in dingchick and keep it a side.
• Take a pan add oil,cumin seeds,corinader seeds crushed,chopped onion,salt mix well and then add turmuric, ginger garlic paste,cook it for 2 mins and then add curry leaves,green chillies saute them.
• Now add tomatoes cook it for 1 min, then add coriander powder, cumin powder,chilli powder mix well and cook for 4min till tomatoes are cooked now add bell pepper,and sprinkle chopped coriander leaves , and finely add the fried bhendi, mix little bit and close it a lid for 4 min in very slow flame.
• onces bhendi is cooked add garama masala powder and mix well serve hot with roti or rice

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