KADHAI FRIED PULAV | Vahchef - VahRehVah

This comfort food made with lots of vegetables and plain cooked rice, generally the left over rice can be used to make a lip snacking kadhai fried pulav.


Spinach 3 Bunch
Onion 1 Numbers
Green chilli 3 Numbers
Green peas 1/4 Cup
Potato 100 Grams
Tomatoes 100 Grams
Red chilli powder 1 Teaspoons
Garam masala 1/2 Teaspoons
Mint leaves 1/2 Bunch
Coriander 1/2 Bunch
Butter 3 Teaspoons
Spring onions(chopped) 1 Tablespoons
Lemon juice 1 Tablespoons
Rice (boiled) 2 Cup

1. Heat the kadhai very hot, in this add chopped onions, green chilli, green peas and add butter, turmeric, salt to taste saute it for few minutes.

2. Add juliennes of spinach, small pieces of potatoes, chopped tomatoes, red chilli powder, garam masala, mint leaves, chopped coriander mix it well. Add 1 tsp of butter, spring onions, squeeze lemon juice and add cooked rice, mix this well.

3.Serve this with raitha.

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