Kakhra Farsan - By Vahchef @ Vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Khakhra is a very thin crispy chapatti or roti. It is simple to prepare and is made from whole wheat flour adding other ingredients and spices. methi crispy cracker made with whole wheat flour



pinch 0 ajwain
2 tbsp methi
1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
as needed 0 salt
pinch 0 turmeric
as needed 0 water
1 cup Wheat flour

Take a bowl add atta, salt, chilli powder, ajwain, methi, turmeric, oil mix well.

Now add water to make a dough medium stiff. Keep it aside for 10 min.

Now divide the dough into equal parts and make a pulka size roti but paper thin.

Take a tava cook the paper thin roti both the sides keep pressing with a cloth to make a crsip and flaky papad cook both the side till slightly golden brown colour.

If required can add oil or ghee while cooking.
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