Kalhua Cookie Chocolate Trifle by Carmela Villegas and by Erwan Heussaff | FEATR

I'm back in the Red Light Kitchen Studio with Carmela and we are making a really simple dessert. A trifle loaded with all the good stuff, alcohol, chocolate and some sugar and spice.

Check it out and give it a go.

A light, easy dessert to beat the Manila Summer heat.

I always enjoy playing around in the kitchen with my bestie Erwan. Hope you enjoy the video!

Until next time,


Crunchy Coffee Parfait


Strawberry Layer

½ C Brown Sugar (adjust depending on the sweetness of the strawberry)

2 C Strawberry chopped (fresh or frozen)

1 Tbsp Honey

Coffee Cream Layer

2 C Heavy Whipping Cream

2 shots of Coffee Liquor (approx. 90ml) (more of less depending on the flavor)

¼ C Brewed Coffee

¼ C Cocoa Nibs

2/3 C Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

1 C Butter Cookies

2 shots of Coffee Liquor


Strawberry Layer

In a non-stick baking sheet or pan, spread the brown sugar. With a torch, melt the sugar until it’s

caramelizes and the top is burnt. Similar to what you will find on top of a crème brulée.

Toss the sugar with the strawberries until all pieces are coated.

Coffee Cream Layer

In an electric mixing bowl, with a wire whisk, whip the cream on high speed. You are looking for stiff

peaks. Be careful, you can over beat cream so don’t leave it alone while the mixer is running.

When your cream is whipped, fold in the coffee, coffee liquor, the cocoa nibs and the chocolate chips.

Assemble Trifle:

Crumble butter cookies and mix with the remaining Coffee Liquor.

Start with the layer of cookies, top with the strawberries and then the coffee cream. Repeat the steps

until you fill your jars. Top with more cocoa nibs or strawberries.

Place in the refrigerator before serving. Best to make a day before so that the juices moisten the cookies

and the flavors really stand out.

The Red Light is made possible thanks to:

Merit Steel: http://meritstainless.com/

Diageo Philippines: http://www.diageo.com/

Small Ware used in this video, can be found in Kitchen Works: https://www.facebook.com/mykitchenworks

Please subscribe! http://goo.gl/TAhuPT

Full post on www.thefatkidinside.com
twitter/ig: erwanjheussaff

Please leave us a comment if you want us to try something!

Erwan Heussaff

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