Kandi Podi (Toor Dal Spice Powder) - Yellow Pigeon Peas Powder - By VahChef @ VahRehVah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Kandi podi is prepared of dry roasted dals (lentils) with other spices to give a nice aromatic fragrance and delicious to eat with plain rice and ghee (clarified butter). this is another form of gunpowder make with toor dal and very famous in Andhra Pradesh

Indian Food - Andhra Pradesh - Dipping/Pickles

this form of gunpowder is speciality of Andhra pradesh and made from toor dal and used as starter of meals



1 cup toor dal
Kandi Podi (GUN Powder) recipe thanks to USHA
This is one of the most relished dish by any andhrite.
This can be had with steaming plain rice with clarified butter, or can also be sprinkled on many cooked vegetables which will turn out into a spicy curry.

To prepare this powder


1. Add red chilli whole (depending upon your taste buds)
2. Add 1 cup of Dry toor dal
3. Add few cumin seeds, dry roast them till the toor dal is slight reddish in color
4. Add either 1/2 cup of channa dhal OR Add 1 cup of Dhalia
5. Add 3-4 cloves of Garlic
6. Add curry Leaves (optional)
7. Add Hing (optional)
8. Make sure that all the ingredients are nicely cooked in a very slow flame, to ensure, just fold the red chili and it should break into pieces in no time. If all the ingredients are cooked good they can be powdered easily.
9. Switch off the flame and let it cool for 10 mins
10. Grind them into a fine powder.


10-15 Red chillies
1 cup toor dhal(dry)
1/2 cup chana dal
1 cup Dahlia (fried chana dal)
3-4 garlic cloves

optional ingredients

Few curry leaves
pinch of Hing

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