kitchen king masala | kitchen king masala recipe | garam masala recipes गरम मसाला masala mix hindi | Kapoors Tadka

Kitchen King masala Recipe Garam Masala or Homemade kitchen king masala in hindi is a very famous garam masala recipes गरम मसाला spice mix and used in all kind of curries and dry vegetable preparations. It is known as the king of all masala and has a very strong aroma. This is widely used garam masala recipe. If you have a query like how to make garam masala at home or how to make garam masala, after watching our step by step Kitchen King masala in Hindi video by Kapoors Tadka all your doubts will be clear

Kitchen King masala Ingredients:
Dry red chili - 4=5
Zeera - 2 Tbsp
Coriander seeds - 2 Tbsp
Black pepper seeds - 8-10
Moti elachi - 2
Star anise - 2
Laung 5-7
Dal chini 4-5
Salt 1 tsp
Haldi powder 1 tsp
Amchur - 1 tsp
Tej patta 2

Method or How to make Kitchen King Masala:

* Take a pan for roasting some dry spices.
* Add Zeera and coriander seeds dry roast for 2 mins.
* Now add dry red chili tejpatta moti elachi, star anise, laung, dalchini, black pepper seeds and roast all on a medium flame for 2 mins more.
* Now add salt, Haldi powder, and amchur mix well and close the flame.
* Cool the spices completely.
* Now grind these all spices into a smooth powder.

Today you have learned how to make Kitchen King masala, After watching this Kitchen King masala recipe video your question like how to make Kitchen King masala at home or Kitchen King masala kaise banaye will cleared. Thanks for watching our recipe aloo halwa by Kapoors Tadka. Your host Priyanak Kapoor and Vikram Kabir kapoor
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