Knorr Veg Sweet Corn Soup - Pallavi’s Power Packed Protein Soup #MeraSoupSnack #Knorr | India Food Network

Knorr brings you a delicious #MeraSoupSnack Sweet Corn Soup by Chef Pallavi. Add in some fried noodles, beans sprouts, boiled eggs and spring onions as your toppings to make it an even more interesting yet tasty snack.

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Fried noodles: 2 tablespoons
Beans sprouts: 1 tablespoon
Boiled egg: 1
Spring onions: 2 sprigs
Knorr Sweet Corn Soup

Method of preparation
Place fried noodles at the centre of the bowl
Top it with beans sprouts
Cut the boiled egg into 2 halves, place on top
From the side, slowly add Knorr Sweet Corn Soup with the help of a ladle. Do not fill to the top, just fill it halfway. Make sure a little bit of the noodles and egg is visible
Sprinkle chopped spring onions
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