Koya Chicken - VahChef | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Khoya Chicken is a rich, silky, mildly spiced dish popularly cooked in Mughlai style giving a rich aroma, taste and essence to the dish. This chicken preparation is gently made with a mix of three milk products that includes khoya, ghee and yogurt.


Ingredient Measure Units
Chicken 500 g.
Khoya 150 g.
Ghee 2 tbsp
Yogurt 1/2 cup
Red Chili 3 Number
Coriander seeds 1 tsp
Fennel seeds 1/2 tsp
Kalonji (black cumin) 1/4 tsp
Cloves 3 Number
Cinnamon stick 1 inch piece
Onions (chopped) 1 big
Salt to taste
Ginger garlic Paste 1 tsp
Garlic 5 Number

Directions -- Method:
1. Heat a pan add red Chili, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, Kalonji (black cumin) dry roast all the ingredients, let it cool down and add some salt then crush it coarse powder.
2. Take a bowl add chicken pieces, then add prepared masala powder, yogurt, khoya, mix it well and rest it for 1 hour.
3. Heat ghee in a pan add cloves, cinnamon sticks, chopped onions, sauté it and add ginger garlic Paste cook this till raw flavor is gone.
4. Add crushed garlic sauté it and add marinated chicken pieces, cook it for 3 minutes then add some water mix it and put the lid on and let it cook for 25 minutes in a slow flame.
5. Serve this with naan and chapatti.

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