Laura Cassai Makes Everyday Special for the netball family | SanRemoPasta

For Laura Cassai (Cook/Author), food can trigger memories, provide comfort, generate excitement and supply much needed energy.
Food is the fuel that allows goals to be achieved, memories to be made and dreams to come true.
Kids who eat better, play better.
And for Laura it all begins with Pasta.

Fuel your future star. Make Everyday Special with recipes at

We all love to share meals with our family and friends, which is why San Remo would like to share some delicious pasta recipes with you:

• Become part of our Facebook family to get pasta tips and inspiration, talk with us, enter competitions and share your love of pasta!

• Subscribe to the San Remo Pasta Family YouTube channel to watch our latest recipe ideas!

• Visit the San Remo website for access to over 500 recipes!

San Remo -- Because we all want the best from our family
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