#leeksouprecipe, #minimeatballsoup, #leeksoup


In this episode, I'd like to share with you an amazing soup recipe, made with some leeks and tiny meatballs, from Zonguldak city/ north Turkey. Although this is called a soup, you can also serve it as a main dish, with some rice and salad on the side. It is so yummy and nutritious. If you are a leek lover, I am pretty sure you will like this recipe. Hope you give it a try!

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INGREDIENTS (serves 4-6)
500 gr. (1.1 pounds) leeks
150 gr. (0.33 pounds) ground beef
1 medium onion
1 small carrot
2 small potatoes or 1 medium potato
One handful fresh parsley
3.5 tbsp corn flour (yellow)
5 cups hot water
1/2 lemon
1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil
A pinch of sweet paprika and granulated sugar
Salt & pepper

Discard the root end of the leeks, rinse and drain.
Slice each leek in half, from top to bottom.
Then cut into 2-3 pieces and place in a bowl filled with water.
Peel the carrot and potatoes, discard the root end of carrot.
Place in water with leeks, set aside.
Peel the onion, grate the half of it and transfer to a bowl.
Cut the remaining half into fine cubes, set aside.
Sprinkle a pinch of sweet paprika, black pepper and salt on top of grated half onion, mix.
Chop the parsley finely, add.
Add ground beef and knead well, for about 10 minutes.
Occasionally, form the whole mixture into a ball, grab with your hands and throw it into the bowl from above.
Repeat this process for 5-6 times.
Form the mixture into tiny meatballs.
Place the prepared meatballs on a plate.
Sprinkle 1/2 tbsp corn flour on top, toss gently and set aside.
Lift the veggies out of the water and transfer to a strainer.
Rinse and drain.
Slice the leeks finely.
Cut the potatoes and carrot into tiny-cubes.
Transfer 3 tbsp corn flour to a bowl.
Gradually add about 1/3 cup water on top, mix well.
Heat 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil in a deep pan, over medium low heat.
Add chopped-half onion, sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper.
Sautee for about 3-4 minutes or until slightly tender, stirring occasionally.
Add the leeks, mix.
Sautee for 5 minutes, leaving the lid slightly ajar.
Make sure to mix occasionally.
Add carrot and potatoes, mix.
Sautee for 5 minutes, leaving the lid slightly ajar.
Make sure to mix occasionally.
Sprinkle a pinch of sweet paprika, black pepper, salt and sugar.
Add 5 cups hot water, bring to a boil.
Gently add meatballs, mix gently.
Cover and cook for 15 minutes, over the lowest possible setting.
Then, mix the corn flour mixture and stir in.
Add 1 leveled tsp or to taste salt, mix.
Cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Making sure to mix occasionally.
Check for doneness and seasoning.
Last but not least, add 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix.
Turn off the heat, let rest for 10 minutes, leaving the lid slightly ajar.
Transfer to a serving bowl.
Serve hot and enjoy, it tastes amazingly delicious!

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