Lentil soup with shrimp + Lentil Apple Rice baby pure - baby food +9M | BuonaPappa

My favorite recipes are the ones that you can prepare for your little ones and with few modifications transform in a yummy meal for the whole family and older kids!
Here you are another one!
2013 in knocking at the door and, following the Italian tradition, I'm cooking lentils as a good greetings for the new year. That's my way to wish all of you tons of luck and happiness.
Red lentils are very rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, with virtually no fat. They are an amazing source of iron, meaning that they are not only good for your babies but for the whole family. A red lentils soup can be a very balanced and healthy meal for everybody.
Today we have two versions of red lentils.
For our little ones we are going to prepare a creamy puree' with lentils (of course..), apples and rice. Creamy and tasty. You can use this recipe starting from 7 months.
For mommy and daddy we will prepare an inviting soup with shrimp, yummy!!

I wish you a wonderful 2013!
ciao ciao
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