Let’s Eat a Proper Breakfast! | Go! Francis! Cooking with Dog

An Introduction to Japanese Meals
The first episode – Let’s Eat a Proper Breakfast!-
Francis, the emcee of Cooking with Dog leaves the kitchen to start an adventure to introduce the Japanese food culture. This time he will talk about what people in Japan have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Francis learns a lot by talking to a notable teacher on a variety of topics, from the meal habits of modern Japanese people to the lunches served at a famous space research and development center.

服部栄養専門学校 / Hattori Nutrition College

早寝早起き朝ごはん全国協議会 / "Sleep Early, Wake Early, Eat Breakfast" National Council

JAXA 宇宙航空開発機構(JAXA相模原キャンパス) / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA Sagamihara Campus)

Starring Francis and Chef
Narrator Cyrus Nozomu Sethna

Production Collaborators
Hattori Nutrition College
HayaneHayaokiAsagohan Zenkoku Kyougikai
("Sleep Early, Wake Early, Eat Breakfast" National Council)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Illustrations Joanna Zhou
Graphics Nahoko Hara
Puppet Maker Bonzo Mama

MA Ryuichi Kajie(EION-KUKAN)
Director Sanae Kikuchi
Producer Hanami Oka

in cooperation with Tastemade
Production FOODIES TV
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