সহজে আপনি বানিয়ে ফেলতে পারেন মিষ্টি দোকানের মতন লবঙ্গ লতিকা | LOVONGO LOTIKA Recipe in Bengali | | CuisineGhar

লবঙ্গ লতিকা | Lovongo Lotika is a very popular old times sweet among the Bengalis as well as other states of India known as Lavanga Latika, Lobongo Lotika, Labanga Latika, Laung Lata, etc.
With modernisation of sweets, lack of skilled workers, cost of manufacturing and healthier life-style, it left behind. Nowadays, it is hardly available at sweet's stalls in the neighbourhood. However, it is still a favourite sweet of many sweets lovers. The shell or outer cover is made up of maida, which is coated in sugar syrup, and there is filling with mixture of mawa & nuts. The outer layer is very crispy and the filling is very juicy. The combination of crispy outer layer and soft inner filling gives a nice taste and make it a special sweet.

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