Malabar Spinach Dal - Traditional Baby Bitter melon curry | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Malabar spinach dal
Malabar spinach - 4 bunch
Moong dal - ½ cup
Chana dal - ½ cup
Rajma - ½ cup
Chop onions - 1/2cup
Red chillies - 4no’s
Green chillies - 4no’s
Mustard seeds - 1tsp
Cumin seeds - 1tsp
Garlic - 5no’s
Hing - pinch
Turmeric powder - 1/2tsp
Tomato pieces - 1cup
Red chilli powder - 1tsp
Salt - to taste
Oil - as required
Water - as required
Heat pressure cooker, add water and boil it. add soaked
Chana dal, moong dal and cook for 3 visils.
Heat a pan add oil, red chillies, mustard seeds, cumin seeds,
garlic, hing, turmeric powder, chop onions, chop tomatoes,
Green chillies, red chilli powder, and cook for some time.
Now add boiled rajma, boiled dals, salt and mix it.
Add malabar spinach, and cook some more minutes.
Now transfer in to a bowl, and serve with hot rice.

Mini bitter melon curry
Mini bitter melon- 250 grams
Chana dal - 1tsp
Pepper - 1tsp
Dry ginger - 1small piece
Mustard seeds - 1tsp
Cumin seeds - 1tsp
Curry leaves - 2springs
Garlic - 5 no’s
Chop onion - 1/2cup
Shallots - 10 no’s
Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
Coriander powder - 1tsp
Red chilli powder - 1tsp
Tamarind pulp - 1cup
Sugar - 1tsp
Coriander leaves - 1bunch
Oil - as required
Rock salt - to taste
Heat a pan add chana dal, pepper, dry ginger, mustard seeds,
Cumin seeds, curry leaves, and roast in a slow flame.
Cool down the masala transfer in to a mixie jar,
Grind in to fine powder.
Heat a pan put some mini bitter melon, and add oil,
And cook for some time.
In the same pan add musard seeds, garlic, chop onions,
Curry leaves and mix it nicely.
Now add shallots, turmeric powder, chop tomatoes, coriander powder,
Red chilli powder, rock salt, and cook for 2 minutes.
Add some water, and cook for 5 minutes. And add tamarind juice,
Boil add grinded masala powder, fried bitter melon pieces,
Cook in slow flame.
In the last add some sugar, coriander leaves.
Now serve with hot rice.

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