Malai Peda - Recipe by Archana - Easy to make Indian Sweet Dish / Dessert in Marathi | Ruchkar Mejwani

On the occasion of Independence Day, our chef Archana shares with you the simple & quick recipe of Tirangi Malai Peda / Pedha along with legendary actor Dilip Prabhavalkar. Malai Peda is a popular Indian sweet / dessert made from Paneer, Khawa and Dry fruits. This is a quick and easy to make Indian sweet at home!


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250 gms Mawa / Khawa
150 gms Paneer
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Water
4 tbsp Milk Powder
4 tbsp Almond & Cashew Powder
1 tsp Elaichi Powder
Orange Food Color
Green Food Color


२५० gms मावा
१५० gms पनीर
१ कप साखर
१/२ कप पाणी
४ tbsp मिल्क पावडर
४ tbsp काजू बदाम पावडर
१ tsp वेलची पावडर
केशरी खायचा रंग
हिरवा खायचा रंग


- Heat a pan. Add sugar and water. Let the sugar melt completely.
- Then add grated paneer & mawa. Mix everything well. Let the paneer and mawa melt and become semi solid consistency.
- Then add milk powder, almond cashew powder and elaichi powder. Mix everything well. Keep stirring the mixture to avoid it sticking to the bottom of the pan.
- When the mixture starts leaving the sides of the pan, switch off the flame.
- Remove the mixture on a plate and let it cool down for 5 minutes.
- Then divide the mixture in equal portions. Add orange food color to one mixture, green to another and keep one as white.
- Make small size Pedas and serve!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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