Mango Custard Halwa - मैंगो कस्टर्ड - Fruit Custard with Mango | Tasted Recipes

Mango custard recipe is a delicious and tasty mango dessert. It is made with mango pulp with custard powder. It is very easy to make and is a mouth-watering recipe.

Ingredients of Mango Custard Halwa - मैंगो कस्टर्ड - Fruit Custard with Mango

Mango Pulp [आम रस] - 500 gms
Powdered Sugar [चीनी पाउडर] - 150 gms
Custard Powder [कस्टर्ड पाउडर] - 100 gms
Ghee [घी] - 4 tbsp + 1 tbsp to grease the mould
Cardamom Powder [इलायची पाउडर] - 1 tsp
Cashews & Almonds [काजू - बादाम] - 50 gms + 50 gms to garnish

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