Mango Dry Fruit Laddu | आम और मेवा के स्पेशल लड्डू | Amba Dry Fruit Laddu | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Mango Ladoo, Dry Fruit Laddu Recipe, Mango Dry Fruit Sweet, Aam aur mewa ke laddu, अम्बा लाडू, आम के लड्डू, Instant Mango Laddu,

Ingredients for Mango Ladoo, Dry Fruit Laddu
Ripe Mango Pulp (पके आम का पल्प ) - 1 cup (600 gms Mango)
Sugar (चीनी) - 3/4 cup (150 gms)
Almonds(बादाम ) - 1/2 cup (60 gms) (coarsely ground)
Cashew (काजू ) - 1/2 cup (60 gms) (coarsely ground)
Muskmelon seeds (खरबूजे के बीज ) - 1/2 cup (50 gms)
Grated Dry Coconut (नारियल ) - 1/2 cup (30 gms)
Cashew (काजू ) -1/2 cup ( coarsely ground)
Ghee (घी ) - 1 to 2 tbsp
Green Cardamom (इलाइची ) - 5 to 6 (coarsely ground)

How to make Mango Dry Fruit Ladoo :
1. Heat pan add ghee, put muskmelon seeds, stir and roast until they puff up and change color. They are crackling and are roasted, take out in plate.
2. Pour ghee in wok again to melt, add coarsely ground cashew and almonds, take out in plate. Roast grated coconut on medium flame for over 1 minute.Take out in plate.
3. Put mango pulp in pan, add sugar,stir and cook until dense,keep flame medium high. Cook paste of setting consistency.
4. Add dry fruits to it, reduce flame. Add cardamom powder,mix and cook it for over 1 to 2 minutes. Once dense turn off flame. Take it out in a plate to cool.
5. Grease hands with oil, take out a little mix, give round ladoo shape. Coat it with cashew powder or with cocnut powder, remove the extra. Make all ladoos likewise.

6. Mango Dry Fruit ladoo is ready.If kept outside, can be relished for maore than 1 month.

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