Mango Pickle | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Mango Pickle is a condiment with hues of sweetness and well as tanginess, complimenting any dish fabulously.



3 raw mangoes, deseeded, cut into small pieces and pat-dried
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
Salt to taste
¾ teaspoon asafoetida (hing)
1 teaspoon split yellow mustard seeds
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
1 teaspoon onion seeds (kalonji)
1 teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf)
1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
1½ teaspoons dried fenugreek seeds
1 cup mustard oil


1. Mix together raw mango pieces, chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt, asafoetida, split yellow mustard seeds, mustard seeds, onion seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds and dried fenugreek seeds in a bowl.
2. Heat mustard oil in a non-stick pan and let it smoke. Remove from heat and slightly cool.
3. Add the warm mustard oil to raw mango mixture and mix well.
4. Serve or store in an air-tight container.

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