Matsutake Gohan (Steamed Matsutake Rice) | Graces Japanese Cooking

People often visit Japan in the fall to enjoy the beautiful mountains covered in yellow, orange, and red leaves displayed by the famous Japanese maple tree. Other people visit to get their first taste of THE MATSUTAKE MUSHROOOOOOMMMM!!! That's right. It’s the ultimate fall delicacy. When the leaves start turning colors, it’s matsutake mushroom time! People in Japan literally ask each other if they've had matsutake on the first- day- of- fall... I know. It's almost like a competition :) You have to have a bite of a matsutake before the season is over. It's intense. My hubby is obsessed, me not so much, but I do love a gooooood matsutake gohan! Just me but I think this way of cooking brings out the best in the mushroom. The fragrant pine aroma and the intense woody flavor. Ahhhhh..... I love fall❤️

When visiting the grocery store, you’ll most likely see a number grade on the packaging that coincides with the price. The top tier is quite expensive, but definitely worth the price if you want to try the best. I usually go for the middle. I think it’s just as good.

If you like mushrooms and haven’t tried matsutake gohan, Please please give it a try! It’s easy, simple, and so delicious! Nothing compares.

Recipe: (serves 3-4 people)

2 matsutake (medium size)
1 1/4 cup Japanese white rice (No subs. Gotta go with white rice on this one)

1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari
3 tablespoons sake
pinch of sea salt

1 1/4 cup water
5g dried kombu for dashi

*A friend of mine once told me the magic to good matsutake gohan (or any steamed mix rice) is using a good amount of Japanese sake and just a hint of soy sauce to taste. It’s amazing how all of the flavors come together in accentuating the matsutake.

1. Soak dried kombu in water for at least an hour to make ”kombu dashi”. A simple kombu only dashi is used as it best brings out the flavors of the mushroom.
2. Rinse and clean the rice. Once the water is translucent, set aside and let it soak in water for at least one hour. Then drain. ~By soaking the rice it will soften the outer shell of the rice making it more heat conducive resulting in fluffier yummier rice:)
3. Remove the tough and often brown part stem. Rinse gently and quickly (you don’t want to soak them) in water and remove dirt with a damp paper towel.
4. Cut in half and shred/break into bite size pieces by hand. ~By shredding mushrooms by hands they absorb the flavors better than if you cut them with a knife.
5. Add the rice, soy sauce, sake, salt and dashi to the rice cooker. Mix gently.
6. Top with shredded matsutake and gently press down to submerge under water.
7. Cook on regular white rice setting.
8. Enjoy!!!!!

I hope you have a chance to enjoy the fall flavors of matsutake gohan! If you have any left, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and freeze it to enjoy later:)

Love, Grace
Made with lots of love.

Instagram: @gracesjapanesecooking

Music: "Airport Lounge-Disco UltraLounge" by Kevin MacLeod
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