Melissa Makes Chicken Afritada From the Home Kitchen Bon Apptit

Join Melissa Miranda as she makes Chicken Afritada. This tomato-based Filipino stew marries hearty vegetables, peas, and olives with tender chicken thighs. To amplify the flavors and keep the chicken skin crispy, Melissa roasts the chicken separately from the veg, reuniting them just before plating.

For the chicken:
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
large yellow onion, finely chopped
1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
5 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
2 Tbsp. olive oil
4-6 skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs (about 2 lb.)
1 cup chicken stock
1 14.5-oz. can diced tomatoes
3 bay leaves
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. fish sauce
Johnnys seasoning salt

For the roasted vegetables:
4 small carrots, roll cut
8 oz. heirloom potatoes, quartered
2 medium red bell pepper, seeded, cut into bite size pieces
cup olive oil
Johnnys seasoning salt

To finish:
cup frozen green peas
cup Castelvetrano olives, pitted
cup Kalamata olives, pitted

Chicken + Sauce Prep
- Preheat oven to 425.
- Heat olive oil in a large deep sided skillet until hot. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper then brown the chicken skin side down for 5-7 minutes until golden. Turn the chicken around and brown on the other side for 2 minutes then remove and set aside on a plate.
- Add the finely chopped carrot, celery, onion and red bell pepper and saute until soft but not browned around 5 minutes.
- Once soft, add the garlic and bay and saute for another 2 minutes.
- Add the tomatoes and stock, fish sauce and soy sauce and stir everything together. Taste to see if you need to add more salt and pepper. Finally, add the chicken back to the skillet and place in the oven. Bake for 45 min.
- Take out and add olives and green peas and roasted veggies. If you want to reduce the sauce, take out chicken and put back on the stove.
- Skin should be crispy and delicious.
Roasting Veggies
- Place your potatoes and carrots in a large bowl and toss with vegetable and salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet tray and place in the oven to roast. (20 min) - Toss your red bell pepper in vegetable oil and place on another baking sheet try and place in oven to roast (10 min)

0:00 Introduction
0:57 Prep soffritto
2:47 Brown chicken
3:24 Cook soffritto
3:39 Make sauce
4:44 Roast chicken at 425 until done, about 45 minutes
4:56 Prep veg for stew
5:50 Roast veg at 425, about 10 minutes for peppers, 20 minutes for potatoes and carrots
7:48 Remove chicken
8:15 Add peas, olives
8:35 Add roasted veg, chicken to stew
8:59 Plating
9:43 Tasting

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Bon Apptit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.
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