Mint milk with whipped cream and chocolate recipe | BuonaPappa

green, green, green...I was looking for a "green" recipe for St.Patrick day. Something different, kids friendly and we are having a nice warm weather here in LA (90F !!!).
Mint milk came to my mind (latte e menta in Italian), a memory from my childwood. My dad used to prepare mint milk for us: easy, colored and fresh!
A very quick and fun recipe that will be a perfect snack for you kids. As we are using whole milk, I would suggest it for toddlers (12 months &up).
Or you can transform it in an unusual dessert for the whole family adding homemade fresh whipped cream on top with some dark chocolate pieces...yummy!!

See you next Thursday with another recipe from BuonaPappa and if you want to check the whole recipe with the ingredients list, have a look at the website

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