Mix Fruits Korma - Phaldari Korma Recipe - By VahChef @ VahRehVah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Mix fruits korma or Phaldari korma is a brilliant mix of fruits cooked in a silky and aromatic classic sauce that adds amazing flavours and richness to the dish. The dish gives a little sweetish tinge apart from spices also be used. But the dish has a rich flavour emanating from the nuts with makes the gravy silky, delicate and exotic. The Phaldari korma has lots of influences from the Mughlai cuisine. It goes extremely well with hot roomali rotis.

For making the nut paste:
Almonds, cut into two halves - 6-8 nos
Cashew nut - 6-8 nos
Millet - 1 tbsp
Poppy seeds - 1 tbsp
Water - as required
For making the gravy:
Oil for frying
Whole garam masala - few
Cumin seeds - ½ tsp
Ginger garlic paste - ½ tsp
Tomato puree - 2 tbsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder - ½ tsp
Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
Red chilli powder - ½ tsp
Curd, whisked - 2-3 tsp
Cashew nuts, cut into two halves - 3-4 nos
Phool makhana (lotus seeds) - 100 gms
Raisins - 1 tbsp
Pineapple, pieces - 6-8 pcs
Apples, cut - 8-10 pcs
Khoya, grated (optional) - 1 tbsp
Mint leaves, finely chopped - few
Pomegranate seeds - 2-3 tbsp
Salt - to taste
Onions, fried to golden brown - 1 no
In a pan add some and boil. In this add almonds, millets, cashew nuts, poppy seeds and boil for 15 mins until they become soft. Put in the blender, add some fried golden brown onions and make a paste and keep aside.
Heat oil in a pan, when it's hot, add whole garam masala and when they sizzle, add cumin seeds, ginger garlic paste, tomato puree, paste of nuts, coriander pd, cumin pd, turmeric, chilli pd. Mix all the ingredients well and add 2-3 tsps of whisked curd and mix well. Cover with lid and bring to boil for abt 25 min.
Heat butter in a pan and when it's hot, add few cashew nuts, phool makhana (lotus seeds), raisins, pineapples, apples, and the yellow gravy. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 3-4 mins. Adjust the seasoning at this time. Add grated khoya (optional), chopped mint and gently mix and top with pomegranate seeds.
Serve with roomali roti.

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