Mix Vegetable Korma with Onion Tomato Gravy - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Mixed Vegetable Korma Recipe is a simple, yet delicious recipe that is made with a combination of spices


Onions 100 g
Tomatoes 100 g
Oil 2 tb
Ginger garlic paste 1 ts
Chilly powder 1 tb
Coriander powder 1 tb
Cumin powder 1 ts
Turmeric ¼ ts
Curd 1 tb
Curry leaves 2 sp
Coconut & poppy seeds paste 2 tb
Coriander chopped ½ b
Mint chopped ½ b
Garam masala powder ½ ts


Heat oil in a pressure cooker add onions, salt, sauté it and add ginger garlic paste, tomatoes, turmeric, chilly powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, mix this and put the lid on and let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes in a slow flame (6 to 7 whistles), use this gravy in many veg and non veg curries.

Heat oil in a pan add curry leaves, coconut and poppy seed paste, sauté it and add onion and tomato gravy, water, curd, salt, cook this for 5 minutes then add boiled vegetables (beans, carrot, green peas, potatoes)
Cook it for 4 minutes, and then add coriander, mint leaves, garam masala powder mix it well and switch of the flame.

you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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