Modak Recipe - Traditional Steamed Modak Ganesh Chaturthi Special | Yaman Agarwal | CookingShooking


In this session i am going to show you how to prepare Ukadiche Modaks. Which are also known as steamed modaks. So lets start, Ingredients required for this are:

For Dough
Rice Flour 1 Cup
Water 3/4 Cup or 1 Cup
Salt Pinch
Oil 1/2 Tsp
Ghee 1/2 Tbsp

For Stuffing
Coconut 1 Cup
Jaggery 2/3 Cup
Cardamom Pw 1/4 Tsp

Note: (i) I was left with some dough so i have revised the ingredient quantities.
(ii) You may boil 1 cup of water also, it will make the dough easier to knead as
well as the dough will form in the pan itself. And you will not require water while kneading the dough. Rest of the process is same for preparing the dough.
(iii) It is very important to prepare the cup of the dough to make THIN other wise it will not taste good.
(iv) I was also not able to prepare and stuff and seal the modak so my mom did that she also was not known to it but as she knows to make excellent momos, and they are kind of momos while stuffing and sealing so my mom did it.
(v) You may use a plastic below and above the dough and create thin cups, if you are not able to flatten the dough.
(vi) If your rice flour is coarse, add a tbsp of glunitious rice flour to it while sieving it.

Stuffing: Add the jaggery to a nonstick pan, it should be in low flame. After it melts, add the coconut. Cook for a minute or two. After it comes all together and some lumps of jaggery is melted add the cardamom powder to it and stir well and cook for around half a minute and transfer to a plate.

For Dough.

Boil 1 cup of water in a deep pan. Add ghee, oil, salt, and add the flour to it. Mix well till no lumps and cover cook for two mins. As i added 3/4 Cup of water in the video it did not formed the dough in the pan, i recommend you to add 1 cup of water as the dough will have more moisture and it will be easier to flatten them. And it will not require water while kneading the dough, it will require some oil while kneading it.

After two mins of cover cooking take this dough to a greased surface and cool down for to mins and start kneading it. Knead for around 5 mins. You may not need to add water, if the dough is not soft you may add a maximum of 1 tsp of water to it. And do add oil in between.

After kneading the dough cover this dough, because we dont want our dough to dry.

Grease your hands and take a lemon size ball, and start pressing with your palms as shown in the video. GO AS MUCH THIN AS POSSIBLE. If the flatten dough is thick it will not taste good. So go as much thin as possible. And now add the jaggery and coconut stuffing to it, and create seal as shown in the video. As i could not do this flattening and sealing this dough my mom is doing this.

After all it requires patience and experience in this or in momos.
After sealing the modak dip this modak in water, dont dip it completely in water just till half the modak and keep aside.

After preparing all the modaks, boil water in a steamer, and in the decks of the steamer line the decks with wet handkerchief and keep the modaks in them. Once water boils, keep your steamer decks in the steamer and steam till 12-15mins minutes, depends upon the size of the modaks. You may shuffle the decks of your steamer after around 8 mins in your steamer if your steamer have 2 decks. After 12 mins switch off the flame and let it rest in the same position of the steamer for around 5-7mins.

Now Serve to Lord Ganesha First. And then serve hot to yourselves.

Do let me know how your modak was made.


Tags: "Ganesha (Deity)" ganesh chaturthi special recipe ukadiche modak steamed modak how to make modak steamed modak easy recipe of preparing modaks lord ganesha favorite sweet dish food cooking indian shooking indian recipe steamed "Dessert (Type Of Dish)"
Maharashtrain special traditional recipe modak recipe
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