Moong Dal chilla/Dosa ! Lentil Savory Crepe | vegan | Healthy Indian Twist

Welcome to Healthy Indian Twist! Today’s recipe is healthy high protein Moong dal Chilla. Please try it out and let me know how it turns out in the comment box below. Do not forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Stay fit, Stay healthy!

For 3-4 servings (This recipe makes about 8 thin dosas or 5 chillas)


1 cup Moong dal
2 green chilies or as per taste
1/2 inch peeled ginger piece
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp Turmeric


Soak Moong dal overnight in water. I found the best result by soaking 2 nights. But overnight would work.
Next day, add chilies, ginger, salt, turmeric and 1 cup water to soaked dal.
Grind in mixer to form a smooth paste with little runny consistency.
If you want to make chilla type then add less water and keep the batter little thick.
Put a pan on medium heat.
Brush little oil on the pan.
Spread the batter thinly and cook for 20-30 secs
When Chilla changes color, brush a very light layer of oil and flip.
Cook for 20-3- secs more on the other side.
Chilla is ready.
Serve hot. Goes well with Mint or peanut Chutney.
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