मूंग दाल फलाफल | Moong Dal Falafel | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | TedhiKheer

Crisp falafels prepared with moong dal and served with a flavourful hummus. Enjoy some fusion flavours at your home!


¾ cup split skinless green gram (dhuli moong dal), soaked for 3-4 hours and drained
1 medium onion, chopped
A pinch of baking soda
½ tsp cumin powder
1 tsp red chilli powder
¾ tsp garam masala powder
Juice of ½ lemon
½ cup chopped fresh coriander
1 green chilli
1 tsp Tata Sampann Coriander Powder
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying
Green chutney hummus for serving


1. Transfer moong dal in a processor, add onions, baking soda, cumin powder, red chilli powder, garam masala powder, lemon juice, coriander, green chilli, Tata Sampann Coriander Powder and salt and blend to a coarse paste.
2. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai.
3. Take a portion of the mixture and put it in falafel mould and press lightly. Gently slide the falafels into hot oil. Deep fry till golden brown and crisp. Drain on an absorbent paper.
4. Serve hot with green chutney hummus.

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